Hello and Welcome 3/4T

Hi everyone, this is Miss Taylor here ;) I am going to use this space to provide you with online resources, such as a link to the Ultranet and links to many Interactive Maths and Literacy Games. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you have any fun links I could add for you. Miss Taylor.

Thursday 13 December 2012


Craft you might like to make

Wonka Holiday Treats Game
Help delivery the treats on time.

Interactive Christmas Games
Take a look in this area for some funny games that you can play during the holidays.

Santa\'s Secret Village
Enjoy the joy and magic of Christmas in Santa’s Secret Village.

Christmas Riddles
Try this list of silly Christmas riddles.

Guess The Carol
Guess the song using the pictures provided.

Christmas Story Puzzle
Put the pictures on the correct order.

Online Christmas Games
The Evil Elves have stolen Santa’s Christmas presents and hidden them in their Terrible Toy Shop. Play this and other fun games.

Christmas Stories
What better way to celebrate the holidays than to gather the family around the computer and read a story.

Monday 10 December 2012


This year our “Moscars” theme is about being Sunsmart. For example:
·         explaining the important of wearing a hat
·         applying sunscreen regularly.
·         ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels.
·         why you need protection from the sun?

Goanimate is a program where you can make short videos using characters to say scripts you write for them.
Log on to “Goanimate” using these details
·      Website: http://goanimate.com/
·         Email: amy.taylor2010@hotmail.com
·         Username: keenan2012
·         Password: keenan2012


Thursday 22 November 2012

Needs and wants

Needs and wants - Visit the website and watch the slide show and then order objects into needs or wants.

Monday 5 November 2012

Melbourne Cup Day

Hello 3/4K,
Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day. Can you please create a "Melbourne Cup Day" slide on your e-portfolio. Please include the history of this event, the fashion and any interesting facts. 

About Melbourne Cup

Video of the Melbourne Cup in 1896

Website for 2012

After you have done that, you can design your own jockey.

Have fun!
Mrs Keenan

Maths - Tessellation

With instruction

What is tessellation?

Design your own

Click on "Tessellation" games

With tiles

Tessellation town

Friday 2 November 2012

Show bag homework due 9th of November

Week 5 – This week you are to:       Due: Friday 9th November

·         Make a mobile of words and pictures of all the major characters in the book.

        ~ OR ~

Week  5 – This week you are to:

·         Make a mini show bag on another character.

·         Use a small lunch bag to hold five items that symbolise your selected characters.

·         You should draw or make items that reflect their interest or role in the novel. For example, if your character is a doctor you could make a small stethoscope, white coat or first-aid sign.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Show Bag Homework - Week 4

Week 4– This week you are to:        Due: Friday 2nd November

·         Select a character from your book and complete a cube profile.
        Place words, pictures or symbols on each face of the cube.
·        You will need to include:
·         Name
·         Description
·         Likes
·         Dislikes
·         Anything else you can think of
·        Once a cube is designed, glue or tape it together and put into your Show Bag.

Show Bag Homework - Week 3

Week 3 – This week you are to:       Due: Friday 26th October

·         Complete an Author Fact Card.
·         This can include:
·         A picture
·         A list of any other books this author has written

Show Bag Homework - Week 2

Week 2 - This week you are to:        Due: Friday 19th October
·         Select your book and begin reading it.
·         You are to make a Show Bag in which you will place all of your activities. As a guide your Show Bag should be 50cm long and 30cm wide. On the outside of your Show Bag you must show.

·         Your Name
·         The Title of the book
·         The Author of the book
·         The Publisher of the book
The Year the book was published

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Australian Animals

Please use this website to research Australian animals

Please research the below topics.
* Spiders
* Mammals
* Frogs
* Birds
* Insects
* Fishes
* Replies

For all please include
* Names of types
* Where they live and why?
* What they eat? Who eats them?
* What do they look like?
* Characteristics about them (what makes them different?)
*  Photographs
* Interesting facts

Tuesday 11 September 2012

We LOVE School!

Hello everyone in 3/4K,

we have had a wonderful year so far and I would love to hear about some of your favourite things about school.

Maybe it is the friends you have made? The topics you have learnt about? Things you are proud of? Things you had never done before? Or it might be excursions or camps that you went on?

I am sure you have more than just one thing that you love about school, try to write about 3 or 4 things. :)

Enjoy posting on the blog,
Mrs Keenan.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

What is your favourite Australian Ecosystem?

Hi 3/4K
What is your favourite Australian Ecosystem and why?

Coral Reef




Book Week - Dress up as a book character

The day that The Cat In The Hat came to play and teach 3/4K!
Everyone who dressed up looked fantastic!

Australian Environments - Research Project

Australian Environments – Research Project
1.  Choose one of these Australian ecosystems: 
·       Desert
·       Bushland
·       Rivers
·       Rainforest
·       Coastal (Sand dunes, mangroves)
·       Grassland
·       Coral Reefs
·       Alpine

2.Using your UMPC, make a powerpoint presentation about your Australian ecosystem. Include some of the following information:
·       A title page (include photos of your ecosystem).
·       A description of your ecosystem.
·       Where is this ecosystem found in Australia – show Map.
·       What animals and plants live there? Why do these animals live here and not elsewhere?
·       What problems do these animals have to deal with (e.g. Hunting, predators etc.)
·       Why do these plants grow well here and not others?
·       What is the weather like in your ecosystem?
·       What tourism and people are in these environments?
·       Concerns – how can we conserve this environment?
·       Other interesting facts.

3.Prepare a 2 minute presentation of your research to the class in the last week of term three.

The PowerPoint slide is to be completed by Tuesday 18 September 2012.Happy researching!
Mrs Keenan

Favourite Fruit