Hello and Welcome 3/4T

Hi everyone, this is Miss Taylor here ;) I am going to use this space to provide you with online resources, such as a link to the Ultranet and links to many Interactive Maths and Literacy Games. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you have any fun links I could add for you. Miss Taylor.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Australian Environments - Research Project

Australian Environments – Research Project
1.  Choose one of these Australian ecosystems: 
·       Desert
·       Bushland
·       Rivers
·       Rainforest
·       Coastal (Sand dunes, mangroves)
·       Grassland
·       Coral Reefs
·       Alpine

2.Using your UMPC, make a powerpoint presentation about your Australian ecosystem. Include some of the following information:
·       A title page (include photos of your ecosystem).
·       A description of your ecosystem.
·       Where is this ecosystem found in Australia – show Map.
·       What animals and plants live there? Why do these animals live here and not elsewhere?
·       What problems do these animals have to deal with (e.g. Hunting, predators etc.)
·       Why do these plants grow well here and not others?
·       What is the weather like in your ecosystem?
·       What tourism and people are in these environments?
·       Concerns – how can we conserve this environment?
·       Other interesting facts.

3.Prepare a 2 minute presentation of your research to the class in the last week of term three.

The PowerPoint slide is to be completed by Tuesday 18 September 2012.Happy researching!
Mrs Keenan

1 comment:

  1. My favourite ecosystem is corl reef because of is awesome colour and beautiful fish.

    Aiden Lau


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