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Hi everyone, this is Miss Taylor here ;) I am going to use this space to provide you with online resources, such as a link to the Ultranet and links to many Interactive Maths and Literacy Games. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you have any fun links I could add for you. Miss Taylor.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Needs and wants

Needs and wants - Visit the website and watch the slide show and then order objects into needs or wants.


  1. it is really important about the word need and wants because they are powerful so needs is what you need and want is what you want.

    so if you want this you can have it but need is like you really need so i think these words are important and powerful.

    from Thau :-) :-))

  2. in need vs wants I think need is what you are really suppose to have in life

    home,food health care, money,child care and clothes

    concert tickets, vacation, computer, video games,t.v, surfing, dogs, books, toys ,presents,candy, pencils and books to wright

    I didn't even know we just needed basic things
    for life its hard but I think I well go with both of the needs and wants because you'll need two to make life happier

    from Rina

    1. wouldnt money be in wants because there are a lot of homeless people that i am sure would say they want money not need it but every thing else was good

      from lachlan

    2. My name is jay wolf.
      I agree . I'm loving your blog.. KEEP IT UP

      i WOULD LOVE MONEY. I do charities a lot. My life hasn't been so greater then being around money. I have also been to the mint . I live in Canberra, which is fantastic here! I've also gone to the war memorial too.

  3. nedds are somthing we can not! live without and wants are somthing we just want.

    some nedds are water basic food health care shelter blanket and clothing and more.

    some wants are tv ps3 wii xbox360 ipad iphone3 ipodtouch computer mantion nice car wifi holidays toys books electricity candy money decorations and more.

    countrys that need more needs then wants are Africa Some parts of india Egupet jamaca figi tonga samoa portugal indonesia and antartica

    were as other countrys like AUSTRALIA HAVE A LOT WHAT they want.

    countrys that have a lot of want is australia america china newzelend equrupe russia japan.

    in australia most of us have lot's of needs and wants we all have needs but not all of us have wants

    From lachlan callander

  4. I was on a website that was about nneeds and wants.some things that were inwants we need like a phone you may need a phone if there is an emergency so you can call the police if you need to.

    Montannah 10/12/12

    1. i don't think you need a phone because lot's of people don't have a phone

  5. Needs: Debt Payment,Repairs,Health Care,Child Care,School,Hosue and Basic Food.

    Wants: Luxury Car,Vacation,Red Rooster,Cell Phone,Brand New Clothing,Luxury House,Wind Surfing,RollerBlades,Computer,Candy,Boat,Movies Concert Tickets,CD Music and Video Games.

    Above this I have given some examples above of Needs and Wants. Wants are things that you want to have. Needs are items that you need to survive.

    Written By Kate

  6. Hi i saw the video and wants is like if you want movie, bikes, toys, video games, ds, computer, friends, ipod, mackup, perfume, clouring stuff, junk food, juce, hihils, and more.

    need is like metersin, child care, shelter, transprot, sun petion, cothes, backpack, water, food,.

    from jade

  7. a lot of things are wants


    1. Are lot of things aren't wants.....

      From Aidan

  8. Wants are things that you do not need like cell phone, mac Donald's, skateboards, movie tickets, boat, candy, vacation, Rollerblades, Burger king, jewellery,wind surfing, toys, videos, DS, computer, I pod, I pad, I pad mini, make up, paint, CDs and movies.

    Needs are things that you have to get like child care, food, Warter,shelter clothes and sun screen.

    From Aidan

  9. Things we need is a normal car, home cooking, clothes, child care and healthy food.
    things we want is a house of chocolate, ferari car, iphone5, apple mac book, cinema ticket and 55 inchs TV.
    there are lots of things we want.

    1. Why would you get a 55 inchs TV?!? WT? YOU RICH BRO?

      from my own blog that's private so get loss...

  10. Hi I recently blogged on but you know... I HATE ARMAN .

    A week ago , a boy named arman kicked my little boy at the park because he said he said hi arm at . You kids don't need no violence around the park. When I was young I was bullied and I know how it feels. My son is scared and shy around big boy kids now. He changed a bit at hime too. Hardly speaking to his sisters and brothers. \

    Why do kids need to bully kids? For fun? You kids learn so good manners.

    My life was sad and lonely, but I didn't go bulling around small kids. Please teach that Arman person too learn better. I love your blog , keep it up .

    You most like being a teacher. Good work. My name is Martin . I hope everyone is not hurt by that armon boy.

    Thank you.


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