Hello and Welcome 3/4T

Hi everyone, this is Miss Taylor here ;) I am going to use this space to provide you with online resources, such as a link to the Ultranet and links to many Interactive Maths and Literacy Games. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you have any fun links I could add for you. Miss Taylor.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

We LOVE School!

Hello everyone in 3/4K,

we have had a wonderful year so far and I would love to hear about some of your favourite things about school.

Maybe it is the friends you have made? The topics you have learnt about? Things you are proud of? Things you had never done before? Or it might be excursions or camps that you went on?

I am sure you have more than just one thing that you love about school, try to write about 3 or 4 things. :)

Enjoy posting on the blog,
Mrs Keenan.


  1. My first favourite thing about this year is camp because I have never been on camp before and I found it very fun!!!!

    My second favourite thing about this year is all of the evemts I have got through to like the District swimming,District Athletics,District Cross Country and lots more I ran really fast and got a few ribbions.

    My Third favourite thing about school is Art because we have been very artistic in art lately and I really enjoy it!!

    My Fourth favourite thing about school is Writing stories because you get to burst out all of your imagination.

    1. That one above is by me Kate!!

    2. You have had a wonderful year Kate! You have been involved in some wonderful experiences!
      Mrs Keenan :)

    3. And one more thing you are the best teacher and you help me when problems happen and I could not thank you more!!

    4. My favourite thing of all was your wedding you looked soooooooo beautiful I can't stop thinking about that beautiful dresss!!!!!!!!!
      From Kate

    5. Kate, you beautiful girl! I was sooo happy to see you at Montsalvat for my Wedding! And it it a pleasure to help you with anything! I am always here to listen and try to help!
      Mrs Keenan :)

  2. At school my favurite thing is writing story's and reading.
    i also like art, ICT,and playing with my friends.
    i liked camp and all the excursion.

    School is number 1!!

    from montannah!!

    1. mine is longer than the one above
      my favurite subject is intgrated because you learn about australia and that stuff.

    2. Hi Montannah, I was looking for a bit more detail that's all. We have had such a great year together and I knew you could write lots and lots of things! I am glad you enjoy entegrated, it is lots of fun!
      Mrs Keenan

  3. I love school because Mrs. keeanan is the best teacher shes got a big imagination I also like her great ideas my favorite thing to do at school is art and music at art we do new things like clay,painting,drawing,collage and making robots and in music we do dramma(thats my favorite) we get to act like another person like a queen a fairy being a horse its your choiceand the last thing is my friend because they care about me and I trust them and they trust me I love them so much just like mrs keeanan oh and I forgot my pen licence I got it I worked really hard to get it because we needed to get 10 beauitful work done and I did get it hooray

    from Rina:)

    1. Oh Rina, it is a pleasure to have you in my class to brighten my day. You have some very special friends & you are such a great friend to them also!

  4. My favourite things are writing story starters because you can put boarders on at Microsoft word also pictures on it.

    And playing outside with Aiden and Oliver because we play tiggy with Kai and it is fun!

    from Andrew

    1. I am glad you have enjoy publishing work work! Your published works looks great, you should feel very proud of your efforts.
      Mrs Keenan

  5. i love school because you get to do art and do maths with the teacher.

    Next i like playing with my friends and doing music because you get to do drama and wear costume and doing a play.

    from Thau :)

    1. Hi Thau, I love Maths too! It's so much fun.
      Mrs Keenan :)

  6. No.1
    this year I have made heaps of friends I also have old friends to.These are some of my friends Ethan, Ronin, Stefan, Liam, Orlando, Oliver, Aiden, Aidan and Erick!

    math is so fun mainly the games, times tables, angles, money, addition and division.

    I love working with computers and doing my powerpoint presentation.


    1. Hi Matthew, it is lovey to hear you have had such a great year and that you have made so many special friends. We are so lucky to have our UMPC's, I enjoy working on them with you too.
      Mrs Keenan

  7. I like school because all my friend are there and like playing with my

    i liked camp because my brothers went there

    I like art because i like art

  8. No.1
    Frends because they keep you compony and fun to play with.

    Golden time because we be really good that means that we get lots of free time.

    P.E because we get to play lots of good games and sports.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Aiden, it sounds like you enjoy being social and active!
      Mrs Keenan

  9. my favriote subject in school is:ICT and art also music.

    i love ICT computer because it is fun and we get to touch type and do are profils

    i like art so i can let my spirt go free every monday and it is very nice and relaxing.

    i like music because i like doing scrips and singing mostly dancing to it ( if no one is looking at me)

    the thing i like the most is:Seeing my friends everyday because they are fun to hang with and play with (but not if they are being mean to you)

    my second thing i like the most is:Seeing my beautiful teacher every morning and it is nice to have such a great teacher :)

    and that is all


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Ashleigh, I love seeing your face every morning too, it makes me happy.
      From Mrs Keenan

  10. I think that science is really good because we can play and get messy. I also like it because I learn how to make what were making and then I can do it at home with my family.

    I also like P.E because I learn all the rules of lots of sports and games.

    The last thing i like about school is Golden time because it is like reward for being quite and well behaved in the class.

    From Carlos

    1. Hi Carlos, I am glad that you enjoyed making Goo, I think we all did!
      Mrs Keenan

  11. my favourite spechilas is pe because the games and sports we do are really coll. i like that we get to learn how to play diferent sports.

    my favourite learning subjuct is intergrated because we ussaly get to use our umpc to look up things and do projects about them.

    i like doing ict because we look up imformasoin and write it down in our eportfolio or we write about sommthing that we did at school or at home.

    i like ict with Goerge because he teachesus informasoin and that. i like how we did the virtium eportfolio thing this year where we made our walls and put viedios on there and pitchures. and all the challengers we had to do.

    i loved camp!!!!! it was awwsome. my favourite activitie was the giant swing!! it was awsome at the top of the giant swing and when you pulled the red rope at the top of the giant swing you free fell for like two seconds.

    i love the umpc they are so good we can look up informasion on them and play on them i always play it in golden time.

    i love golden time i always play coolmaths on my computer during golden time that or play my destope games.

    i like 34 sport because we get to do sport after recec during work time. last term we did athletic sports like relay and hurdels.

    from lachlan robert callander

    1. Hi Lachlan, what a wonderful post. I get a real feeling for all the things you like about school. We are very lucky that we get to use ICT so much at our school. I bet you were very excited when you got you very own UMPC!
      Mrs Keenan

  12. My first favourite thing about this years camp because of the I went on the GIANT swing for the first time and experience a adventure camp. I also liked meeting amd making friends with other people that I don't really know.

    My second favourite thing this year is art because I like being creative and improve in being creative.

    The last thing I liked this year is book character day, even though I didn't wear any book charater clothes it was fun watching other peoples clothes.

    By Tricia 3/4K

    1. To Tricia, I am so glad to read that you enjoyed camp and liked the GIANT swing. I screamed so loud when I went on it, did you hear me? I wonder what type of activities they will have next year at year 5 camp.
      Mrs Keenan

  13. Hi Orlando here, My absolute favourite P.E because it is fun running around and it is good execise.
    I like virtium because I can share videos and
    chat and I don't have to be with my friends.
    I also like science experiments especialy the goo experiment because I get to get messy and I can make the goo more or less hard, I really had
    I really enjoyed playing with goo.
    I really enjoyed golden time because I can do whatever I want, like go on a U.M.P.C or draw or maybe even watch something. But my entire class has to behave them selves to earn time to play.
    Last but not least, I enjoyed art I can be as creative as I can be of what we make, sometimes we can take them home and impress our parents! We can also draw after we are finished.


    1. Hi Orlando, I am sure your parents will be very impressed with all your work this year! I loved the goo too!
      Mrs Keenan

  14. Hi my name is LIAM and i am new to Mitcham primary school.I came in on the 10/9/12.I Am 10 years old.my birthday was on 8/9/12. my favourite subject is maths and draft writing. my friends at school are Stafan,Mathew,Eric,aden.my favourite thing to do at school is resses.I love my school

    By LIAM alves 3/4

    1. Hi Liam, we love having you in our class! We were very luck to get such a nice boy, who has made so many friends already. I am looking forward to spending more time with you and getting to know you. Welcome to our school.
      Mrs Keenan

  15. I like school because my teacher this is very nice to me.

    I have made quite a few new friends such as Tricia, Kate, Jade and with some boys.

    My favourite subjects are Art and Music because I love painting and I like Music we do fun activities.

    The excursion was my favourite part because we had fun there. It looked like a forest to me.We each had a booklet of activities.We walkd all the way there because it was not that far away.

    My favourite topic we learned about this year in Intergrated Studies was Science because we did fun experimaents like we growed crystals and we made goo. My favourite experiment was making goo because we played with it!


    1. Hi Manasa, I like school too, because my students are very nice and great listeners! Maybe even the best in the school. I think goo and crystals were a big hit, by the sounds of it everyone loved it :)
      Mrs Keenan

  16. My favourite thing about school is piaying with oliver because he is funny and making up thing.

    My second favourite thing about school is camp because this is my first time going on camp and because my brother went too.

    My last but not least I like the 5/6 proutdion.
    Aiden Lau

    1. Hi Aiden, I haven't seen the 5/6 production yet, I can not wait! Thanks for always making me giggle :)
      Mrs Keenan

  17. HELLO! i'm Erick and my fovourite things at school is P.E, art, playing outside and talking to freinds. I like P.E because you get to play games have fun and be fit and healthy at the sae time. I like art too because you can have fun creating stuff and impress your family by taking your art stuff when the teacher tells you that you can take it home.

    Playing outside is a chance for you to have fun with your freinds so thats why I like playing outside. There are some bad things that can happen when you are playing outside like a bully comes up to you and starts bullying you or you triped over something and you start bleeding but your freinds will always be there for you.

    Talking to freinds is quite fun because if you are talking about jokes you will have a big chance of having a big laugh. Freinds are the best things that you can have and everybody should know that.

    By Erick :)

    1. Hi Erick, you do enjoy a laugh don't you. We have lots of nice people in the playground to play with, you have made some very special friends already. I am so glad you have settled into our school so well. We love having you.
      Mrs Keenan

  18. My favourite thing at school is geting my UMPC, I always play with it and download games on to it too.

    I'm so lucky to get my Pen Licence I LOVE writing in pen!

    I also like PE, I like playing games there. It's AWESOME!

    1. Sorry I forgot my name Oliver

    2. Hi Oliver, that was a big achievement to get your pen licence and be the first person in the class to gain it too - well done! You really do have such neat handwriting and I love reading your work in pen.
      Mrs Keenan

  19. My four favourite things this year is camp, crystal experiment, physical education and the Yaren Dharen school trip.

    No.1:camp: camp is my top favorite thing because this camp was adventure camp and there was loads and loads of activities. the first activity was i did with my group was ropes course. Our group was about 7 people big. the second activity was my second favourite activity and the it's the flying fox. It was approximately 30m long. my favourite activity was the giant swing. About as high as a tall

    No.2: The crystal experiment: the whole thing was fun! first we had to make a booklet which was 4 pages long. ingredients: bicarb soda, water a stick and a pin. what to do: stir a teaspoon of bicarb soda in the water attach a string to a pin also attach it to the stick.

    No.3: P.E: i like P.E because there's really exciting warm ups like toilet tag, scarecrow tag and octopus. this week we are playing T-ball.

    No.4: Yaren Dharen trip: The trip was incredible. I saw three eels, 3 spiky caterpillars,lots of lizards and heard frogs

    1. Hi Stefan, it sounds like you like to keep busy and be active doing things. I loved camp, the food was yummy and the activities were so much fun! I really liked the giant swing and the rope course!
      Mrs Keenan

  20. Hi josiah here,
    my first favourite thing to do in school is writing stories because you can imagine anything and that maens you can write about anything.

    the socond thing I like about school is playing with my friends carlos, lachlan and adien E.Carlos and me play tennis at resess and lunch on Tusday, Monday, and Thursday.

    my third favourite thing is intergrated sdudies because I really enjoy learning about the rainforest and science.


Favourite Fruit