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Hi everyone, this is Miss Taylor here ;) I am going to use this space to provide you with online resources, such as a link to the Ultranet and links to many Interactive Maths and Literacy Games. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you have any fun links I could add for you. Miss Taylor.

Friday 1 June 2012

Science - Corn flour GOO!

Corn Flour Goo!
Start with some corn flour in a bowl, add a tiny bit of water and mix. Be careful, it’s a bit like icing sugar – add about half the water you think you’ll need!

* What happened when you added water?
Was this goo a solid or a liquid?
* Were your predictions correct?
* Could you pick up your goo?
* Was your goo runny?
* Could you squeeze some in your hand?
* What happened when you ra
n your fingers through it slowly?
* What happened when you ra
n your fingers through it quickly?

To read some more information about why our goo felt like a solid and a liquid visit: http://science-at-home.org/cornflour-goo/

I hope You all had a great time today, it sounded like everyone really enjoyed themself!
Mrs Keenan.


  1. it will get hard as u add water.

    Aiden L

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. when i added the goo the goo turend soft and hard it was not easy. The goo was solid and liquid itwas hard to move your finger through it.Only one of my predictions were correct that it will turn into goo.my one wasent runny but at the end it was.I could squzze mine beacuse it was soft. when the goo rand to my fingers softly it was tickley.When the goo was hard I coulndn't fell any thing. Dev

  2. When you add water it becomes gooeier and gooier!

  3. The goo was a solid and a liquid!

    Kai H-R

  4. when you at waater it became a liqard

    the goo was sort of both a lliqard and a solard

    no they where not correct at all really

    yes you could pic the goo up but then it would run through your hands

    no it was more like stiff

    no i couldn't it would just slip through

    it would act like a liquard

    it would be more of a soiled


  5. It turned damp.
    It was in the middle(neither).
    I think.
    Not really.
    It sliped through them.
    My fingers got a little stuck

    Did you know I broke 2 spoons trying to mix it.

    Ronin, 3/4T

    1. That is so funny!!! Kai H-R

  6. My predictions were right! You could also pick up the goo. When you picked up the goo and let it go will go, it will go runny!

    When you squeezed some in your hand it will go hard but, when you stop squishing the goo, it will fall out!

    When you ran your hands through the goo slowly it will stick to your body! And when you ran your hands through it very fast, it will feel like it is concrete! Kai H-R

  7. First 2 questions
    When you add water it becomes pretty thick and it is a solid and a liquid because it can feel like a solid and it can feel like a liquid.

    Next 2 questions

    My preditions were correct but I did not predict much and yes you could pick up the goo.

    Last 4 questions
    The goo was runny but at times it was stiff and when you squeezed it, it would runny again.If you tapped it slowly it waqs a liquid but if you did it fast it would act as a liquid.


  8. When I added water,it became a solid, when I added more water it became solid and liqiud.
    My pedictions was correct, it got more liquidish and when I added food colouring it spread out a little bit.
    When I tried to pick it up it just run down my fingers even though it was solid when I grabbed it.
    i could squeese it but it felt solid at first.
    Wen I ran my finger across it slowly it flet more liquid and when i ran my fingers across it it more hard I would end up flicking some off the plate

  9. when I added the water it looked so so slimey and gooey I don't fell like toching it!!!!!! It was solid and liquid. I can only pick up the goo a little bet.Mine was going really really running.I can only squeze it a little bet not a lot!!!! When I slowly put it down it went down Like raindrops on my hand I didn't autally didn't do oh and did you know I broke one spoon when I was mixing it. Do you know that it was so hard I couldn't do it and thats how I broke the spoon.I didn't want to waste it so I just use the one that I have

    from Rina 3/4k oh and thank you for letting us make goo it was really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. * What happened when you added water? it damp
    * Was this goo a solid or a liquid? liquid
    * Were your predictions correct?* Could you pick up your goo? yes
    * Was your goo runny? yes
    * Could you squeeze some in your hand ? yes
    * What hapened when you ran your fingers through it slowly it went sticky
    * What happened when you ran your fingers through it quickly it turned solid

    by Kuot 3/4T

  11. When I added water it started going runny but when you try picking it goes hard. the goo was both solid and liquid because when you pick it up it is hard but if you you squeeze it, it will go runny. my predictions were half wrong half right because I predicted that it would be runny but didn't predict it would go hard. My goo was runny if you squeeze it or if you leave it to drop. I could squeeze it through my hands but it would make my hands dirty. When I ran my fingers through the goo slowly it stayed hard. When I ran my fingers through the goo quickly it went through it.

  12. When i added water in my bowl it become liquid because i added to many water.But then Mrs Keenan added more corn flour in my bowl and it turned in to solid but when i take to goo out of the bowl and in to my hands, first it felt like solid but then it slowly turned in to liquid.My goo was a solid and liquid.When i run my finger though my goois a liquid but when i run though it quikly it is solid

  13. 2. Goo is soild and liquid beause it depend on how you touch it.

    3.My prediction was sort of correct, but I didn't predict what was the goo like.

    6.and7. First it will be solid if you poke in it fast, but if you poke in it slowly it will be liquid.

    Aiden L

  14. When i added glue it bacame really hard then gooy after a while.

    The goo was both solid and liquid but it also depands how long you leave it too.

    My predictions was not fully correct because I predicted it will turn gooy at the start but instead it was correct at the end.

    My goo wasn't very runny because i did accidently added to much water to the goo experiment. But at the end it was really runny.

    I couldn't sqeeze the goo because it was very runny.

    When i poked the goo really slowly my finger went though the glue.

    Then i poked the goo again but fast this time it wass solid because there was to much pressure.

    Stefan Su(MPS)

  15. >When you add water it slowly turns into a solid, the cornflour started to stick together.
    >The goo was a solid and a liquid.
    >My predictions were correct, it did turn into goo with very little water.
    >My goo was not that runny when I tried to pick it up but it was, when I tightened my hands a bit.

    >I could squeeze some in my hand but that was in the start when we had not added that much water.
    >When I ran my fingers through it slowly it felt like a liquid it felt all watery.
    >When I ran my fingers through it quickly it felt like a solid, it felt really hard.

    By Faraz

  16. When you add water to the cornflour it became solid.
    The goo was a solid.
    I think my prediction is corret.
    you could pick up the goo.
    I could sqeeze some.
    it became liqid.

    It became a bit runy
    by Andrew

  17. If you add water it goes gooey it felt like on the bottom abit hard and when it picked it up it a little bit coming out through your finger.My hands felt sticky for a while and when i washed it it was still green.It turn into damp.When you add water it is liquid.

    1. that was my writing^^^^^^^ From Thau Thai

  18. When I added water with the cornflour it turned into a solid and a liquid.

    The goo was a solid when you punched it, but when you picked it up and it slid through your hands so it was a liquid too.

    My predictions were kind of right because I said that it will be slimy and sticky and it was a sticky.

    My goo was runny when I added too much water but if I did not it will not runny.

    You could squeeze the goo but it quickly ran out of your hands.

    When I ran my fingers through it slowly my finger went in but when I ran my fingers through it fast my finger did not go in.


  19. When I added water too the goo it was runny and hard Like douh.

    The goo is a solid and a liquid.

    My prediction was not corect

  20. 1. The goo was a liquid when the water was in it

  21. When I added water it went all wet and hard.

    The goo was a liquid and a solid.

    My prediction was crorret.

  22. when i added water it turned into a half solid half liqid and it was really cool.
    the goo was solid on the plate but liqid in your hands.
    yes,my predictions were corect.
    I could pick it up but then it went through my fingers.
    The goo was not runny.
    I couldn't really sqeeze some in my hands.

  23. 1.when i added water it was a liquid
    2.the goo bwas a solid when I pocked it. it was a liquid when i put my fingers threw it.
    3.my prediction was correct because I predicted it whould go runny
    4.my goo was runny :I
    5.i chould spueeze it in my hand it was very scwishy :O
    6.i chould pick :)
    by ashleigh i choudent finsh it

  24. When you add water it gose a little bit liquid and solid.When you add more it turns into goooo!!!!! It felt like i'm not touching anything.The goo was a little bit solid and liquid.The goo is really runny.I love goooooooo???:D

  25. when I ran my fingers trough it slowly liquid.
    when i ran my fingers trough it quickly it was a solid

    From Carlos


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