Hello and Welcome 3/4T

Hi everyone, this is Miss Taylor here ;) I am going to use this space to provide you with online resources, such as a link to the Ultranet and links to many Interactive Maths and Literacy Games. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know if you have any fun links I could add for you. Miss Taylor.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Today in Maths we were working on arrays. We made chocolate boxes and then made arrays using chocolates. We needed to work out how much we were going to charge per box and how much each chocolate would cost. Here are a few of them, YUM!

1. What did you learn about arrays?
2. When would an array be useful?
3. Share anythng else you learnt about today in Maths.


  1. i leant that an array is something that is in equal groups

    if you needed to count something quikly

    that you can make arrays into anything like we did to make little chocolate and chocolate boxs

  2. an array is a group 1 down and 1 on the top it is sort of like time table and it is very useful. from Thau

  3. Today I learnt how to count in this sort of way. I have never done this sort of counting before, well, at lest I never think I have.

    Ronin, 3/4K

  4. I learnt that aarrays are very useful when counting up and very easy to do like when you need to count the amount of counters so you just sort it out. Also very neat and organised.

    by Orlando

  5. I know that an array is a thing that is orgnised and tidy so you can count.

    from Montannah

  6. I learn't how to do it because mrs keean told me first you say the side then the top for example you have 3 on the top and 3 on the side and its called 3 threes and the toal is 9 because its the 3 times tables

    1. hi!!!!!!

      it was fun doing it!


  7. I learnt about array help us do our math and couting.

    Aiden L

  8. I learnt abut arrays & cullums rows & it is a usefull and it will help you say quik numbers

  9. I learned that they are helpful with chocolat boxes and other arrys.


  10. The first one was Lachlans

  11. This was very fun MRS Keenan! My favourite one was Linh's one, Josiah's one, Thau's one, Dev's one, Ronin's one and Aiden Lau's chocolate box! My one was dark chocolate and it's brand is Cadbury.

  12. I learnt that you have climb before you crawl and that the one that climbs is a number and the one that crawls is a word. A array would be useful when we are paying for, if we use arrays it will be more quick easier to pay.


  13. the end one is rinas

  14. Today we made arrays they were pretty hard to make but I had to take some of my arrays of because the teacher couldnt see. It was like multiplication I made the arrays in colour so the teacher could see then.We didnt rycycle the paper we used it.I like making arrays.We had to make the arrays neat and we had to make the arrays in the same order. Dev

  15. Hi josiah here my arrays were made from choc and it was pretty hard.It was great fun.

  16. I learnt that arrays are useful in many ways one being able quicker to add or times.

    Arrays are useful because they are easier to count, add up and read.

    I made my array of chocolates 3 threes and each one was 25 cents


  17. I mean the one that has I learnt from mrs keean rina

  18. The message on top is Kai's one, just to let you know!

  19. Array is useful because it help you your work and timetable.

    Aiden L

  20. A array is useful for counting because when you count when it's messed up you cant count propely when youhave to count. Andrew

  21. i really think that array is useful, because whaen you do a array it helps you count eazier and it is neat so people would buy your chocolates. You count it by counting the groups then counting the numbers yhat is in the group.Today in maths I learnt about array and I learnt that an array helps you count eazier.

  22. I learnt that in arrays you count the how many (chocolates)are on the top and then you count how many are on the side.

    Arrays can be useful when you see a pile of (counters)and they are messy you can put them in a array and count them


  23. Today I learnt that arrays help you to arrage objects nicly such as choclates, toy and books.

    I find arrays useful for arranging things such as books, toy, choclates and food.

    Today in math I created a box and glued on pieces of paper and found out the toyal cost of the whole thng.

    Stefan Su (MPS)

  24. hi miss.kennen
    sorry if I spelt it wrong :) I injoyed the arrays but i didnt finsh mine :(
    can i finsh it today at lunch or tomorow in class? i injoy being in you class ok now i will anwser the quesions.
    1.arrays are like 3 threes or 5 twos
    2.an array can be yoused when couting some thing that is in colims
    3.i lernt arrays are very yousful

    i <3 maths

    from ashleigh

  25. that was sharon

  26. I learn how to count easyer and adding easyer and I learn about goups in an arrays.When i am stuck on a big tricky number i use the arrays to help me easyer.arrays is a very easy and fun maths to do i love the arrays. from Linh :D

  27. I learnt that arrays is fun because it is like a game. Arrays would be useful when you are playing games. Aidan.

  28. Learnt that array has to be neat and that if it is not neat then it can not be an array.An array might be useful when you need to count something really fast an array can be really useful.Another thing I learnt is that arrays areused to count something really fast.

    from Carlos

  29. I hade fun making chocolate arrys from awesome oliver.

  30. It is a very good skill to learn because you can do it in many ways and did you know at first I was selling my chocolate for $30.

  31. I lernt that you have to do the namber befor you do the word i think when your conting from jade


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